"There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise." ~brian andreas

Friday, April 9, 2010


I promised I would update my blog, and here I am!  I am so sorry for the delay.  This is silly, but every time I log in to make some updates, I end up spending way too much time trying to find a template that I like.  So for now, I pick the basic, boring I know, but at least you'll get to see some pictures.  I just wanted to share a few from a couple recent sessions, so that you can see the cuties I've been able to spend some time with.  And for my other excuse, Haywood and I escaped for Spring Break, to Blowing Rock, NC.  For those of you who have not been there, it's one of the most wonderful places around.  But wi-fi is not abundant, especially in our home on the hill, so I was forced to avoid technology!  For those of you on Facebook, I did post a couple fun pictures of Haywood.

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing the Pearson children, Wynne and Bailey.  Bailey and I had a little follow-up session the following week, on a much prettier day...it's amazing how much a newborn can change in just a week!  

I went outside with big Wynne and little Wynne, and a bag of oranges provided the entertainment.  Talk about a photogenic child!

I just thought this was a sweet moment, daddy slobber works well too.

And then Bailey and I spent a little more time together.  I think she enjoyed being in the spotlight by herself!

Although she wasn't quite ready to get started:

...this is my favorite!

she woke up in the best mood!

totally warmed up to me by this point, and being a little ham!

And just last week, I spent a little time with little Ashby Hill!  I should include a picture of my assistant, Haywood (note to self...).

Those of you who know me best know how much I adore black labs.

Look at this sweet little face...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! The babies, the photos, and the post! Keep them coming!
