"There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise." ~brian andreas

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blue eyes everywhere

This is why I always try to remember to take my camera with me, especially to an afternoon play-date, never know what you might catch!  

Look at these eyes!!  I saw her in this exact spot the day before (when I DIDN'T have my camera!), but fortunately we had another opportunity.  One of the happiest babies I've ever known...

Thought I'd include one of my little man having fun in the dirt at Washington Park.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I promised I would update my blog, and here I am!  I am so sorry for the delay.  This is silly, but every time I log in to make some updates, I end up spending way too much time trying to find a template that I like.  So for now, I pick the basic, boring I know, but at least you'll get to see some pictures.  I just wanted to share a few from a couple recent sessions, so that you can see the cuties I've been able to spend some time with.  And for my other excuse, Haywood and I escaped for Spring Break, to Blowing Rock, NC.  For those of you who have not been there, it's one of the most wonderful places around.  But wi-fi is not abundant, especially in our home on the hill, so I was forced to avoid technology!  For those of you on Facebook, I did post a couple fun pictures of Haywood.

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing the Pearson children, Wynne and Bailey.  Bailey and I had a little follow-up session the following week, on a much prettier day...it's amazing how much a newborn can change in just a week!  

I went outside with big Wynne and little Wynne, and a bag of oranges provided the entertainment.  Talk about a photogenic child!

I just thought this was a sweet moment, daddy slobber works well too.

And then Bailey and I spent a little more time together.  I think she enjoyed being in the spotlight by herself!

Although she wasn't quite ready to get started:

...this is my favorite!

she woke up in the best mood!

totally warmed up to me by this point, and being a little ham!

And just last week, I spent a little time with little Ashby Hill!  I should include a picture of my assistant, Haywood (note to self...).

Those of you who know me best know how much I adore black labs.

Look at this sweet little face...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mother Nature

Is not cooperating!!  It looks like we would really be pushing it to try and take pictures this weekend.  Maybe Sunday, but still.  I'm all for Easter clothes and rain boots (this would probably be my child's preference anyways!), but that's probably not what everyone else had in mind.  So let's aim for early next week, and throughout the remainder of the month as necessary, for the Easter package.  

Thanks everyone for your patience.  And thank you SO much for all of the great comments and notes you've sent!    


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Easter session location update

I am very excited to share the location for our Easter sessions.  Julie Edge has graciously agreed to let me borrow her back "farm"!  Their house is in Fieldstone, however this space is easily accessible from Mumford Road.  There are fantastic trees, a great wall, a barn, and lots of fun "stuff", think it will work great! 

Directions: From Ayers Road, turn onto Mumford Road.  After you pass the entrance to Fieldstone (which will be the first road on your right, lots of pecan trees!), look for a white mailbox on your right.  This is Julie's back yard!  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Here we go!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to kick this off!!  And I know that this may be a little last minute for some of you, but I will be doing Easter shots this weekend!  If for some reason this weekend doesn't work, we can talk, but my little man turns 3 the following weekend, so the bulk of my work will need to be done before that!  Not ready for Easter (like me)?  We'll just find some time over the next few weeks and call the Spring shots!  

I don't know if I should borrow a term from my semi-technology experience and call this a "soft launch", or just jump out there and say "Hello World!!".  I've had to have a little reality check with myself over the past couple of days, and know that this is going to be a work in progress, an evolving project if you will.  For some reason I thought I needed to introduce myself with a perfectly blown-out website and the most professional looking setup possible.  But that just wouldn't be the case if I only presented pictures of my Haywood and his closest friends :)  This is where I need your help!  I have put together a simple Easter package that I hope you will be interested in.  You will not only have photos for this Easter, but you will also be a star on my site!  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what's out there.

Ok, so for Easter...

Mother Nature permitting, I am planning on offering times on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 12-14.  Again, I have some flexibility beyond those days, but I just want to make sure we allow enough time for editing and ordering and what not so that you can have your pictures in time for Easter.  How in the world is it already Spring?!  And how in the world can it be 70+ degrees today, and then rain for four?  Teasers.

I am awaiting confirmation on a site, which I'm really excited about, and will update as soon as I can.  Regardless, it will be very convenient for all in Macon.  And I am sorry to say that I will NOT have a bunny there, but do promise to have some props to share.  If there is something in particular you'd like to use, such as your child's favorite monogrammed basket, please bring.  

The Details:

Session Fee: $75

This includes our time together, as well as the following:
  • 1 8x10
  • 2 5x7
  • 4 4x6
If you are interested in additional prints, they are available at minimal cost.  I will also offer a CD of all chosen shots (not just printed ones) for an additional $25. 

Thank you all for your support in this endeavor!!


PS  If you already have Easter picture plans, or aren't quite ready, don't fret!  I am going to host a special "Mommy and Me" shoot as Mothers' Day approaches (or Daddy and Me if you're looking for a good Mom's Day gift, hint hint boys!).  I will be sure to update this blog (a new thing for me!!), my site, as well as my Facebook page.  

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am so excited to welcome, FINALLY, Elizabeth Wall Photography.  As many of you know, photography has been a passion of mine for quite some time.  Of course my portfolio has been somewhat limited to my adorable (sorry, biased) son Haywood, and our beloved golden retrievers Spike and Buddy.  It didn't take Haywood long into his second year to learn the phrase "that's enough pictures Mommy!", and with the addition of a puppy to the family, let's just say there is a lot more chasing involved than there used to be.  So it is my hope that I can start capturing moments in your lives and your loved ones’ special expressions so that you can remember them all forever.
After 15 years in the corporate/financial world, I finally have the opportunity to pursue my creative interests, and am so excited to share it with all of you!  One thing I do believe I'm pretty good at is being a mom.  But the encouragement from all of you makes me believe that I have other talents to share!
Welcome to what I hope turns into a fun and exciting journey for all of us!